The creative tutorial home of image wrangler, Lesa Snider.

Step by step tutorials

Welcome to the home of the step by step creative online tutorial. Here you will find detailed, easy-to-understand steps accompanied by screen shots. These tutorials are liable to be about anything from my current project to something that drove me nuts trying to figure out. It is my hope that the things I can convey here will save you time and frustration.

If there's something that you'd like to see written up, please feel free to let me know

Color Cast Be Gone!

Warp speed color cast correction

Who knew that a one-step color cast fixer-upper lived deep within Elements' menu structure? The next time you pop open a photo with a visible cast—such as the photo below taken during a fabulously rich and gastronomically challenging meal my husband and I had recently at Aureole, Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas—you'll know exactly what to do.


