The creative tutorial home of image wrangler, Lesa Snider.

Who is Lesa Snider?

Lesa SniderLesa Snider, internationally acclaimed author and speaker, is on a mission to teach the world to create better imagery. She’s the author of several books including the best-selling Photoshop: The Missing Manual series (Photoshop CC: The Missing Manual, 2nd edition, O’Reilly, 2014), Photos for Mac and iOS: The Missing Manual (O’Reilly, 2015), coauthor of iPhoto: The Missing Manual (O’Reilly, 2014 and 2011), and author of several ebooks including The Skinny on Photoshop Lightroom, The Skinny on Photoshop Elements, The Skinny on Shooting Royalty-Free Stock, and The Skinny on Taking Better Pictures with Any Camera. Lesa has recorded over 40 video courses on image editing, graphic design, and shooting stock photography for a variety of training companies including CreativeLive, Craftsy.com, and KelbyOne.com. She writes the weekly Creaticity column on Macworld.com, the Beginner’s Workshop column for Photoshop User magazine, and contributes regularly to ElementsUser.com.

Lesa also served as iStockphoto.com's chief evangelist from 2006-2011 (she's still one of their stock photographers) and she developed the Advanced Photoshop course for international online design school, Sessions.edu, where she served as professor for two years. She has spoken at countless conferences including Digital Book World, HOW Design, Graphics of the Americas, Photoshop Soup to Nuts, Mac Design, NAB, Geek Girl TechCon, as well as numerous Photoshop World and Macworld events. Lesa is a founding instructor for CreativeLive and had the honor of handpicking instructors for their very first Photoshop Week event. She also enjoyed six years as creative assistant to Yahoo technology columnist, NOVA host, and Missing Manual book series founder, David Pogue.

In her free time, she's an avid martial artist and is currently a red belt in Muay Thai (here's my favorite site on this art of eight limbs). Lesa also enjoys photography--click here to see her portfolio--especially martial arts and macro. She loves to read/watch sci-fi, and spend tons of time with her husband, Jay Nelson, and their four cats. She lives in Boulder, CO.

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