The creative tutorial home of image wrangler, Lesa Snider.

An afternoon off

April 13, 2007 by

After finishing work early, I decided to take a much needed break and retire to Kat's back yard in Fort Worth with my Rebel XTi and all her animals (click this picture to see the whole gallery). The acoutrements in this photo just made the afternoon that much more enjoyable.

I think I just needed to sit and *be* for a bit as I'm feeling a little weary from all the back to back travel recently, plus I miss my husband and my kitties. I'm also a little more homesick than I realized for my home state of Texas and the area I lived for so long now that I'm actually back here, and super bummed that I have to leave for LA tomorrow afternoon to speak at a conference of travel writers where I will know not a single other soul.
