The creative tutorial home of image wrangler, Lesa Snider.

A night with the Dodgers

April 18, 2007 by

After flying out of Dallas en route to LA in the midst of multiple killer tornadoes (seriously) I arrived in LA to speak at the Travel Writers Editorial Conference. I sat in on a panel about crowdsourcing and how iStockphoto is a crucial image resource for publications with declining budgets.

The only saving grace of the hotel I ended up in (and I won't name names) is that it was smack dab in the heart of the jewelry district. Whee! The downside is that means I was also nestled snuggly in the hood downtown. Needless to say I did not walk around at night, but one afternoon I had a ball at a huge jewelry store where there are a gazillion independent dealers and the point is to haggle prices until you get a great deal. Very fascinating and lots of fun.

After flying out of Dallas en route to LA in the midst of multiple killer tornadoes (seriously) I arrived in LA to speak at the Travel Writers Editorial Conference. I sat in on a panel about crowdsourcing and how iStockphoto is a crucial image resource for publications with declining budgets.

The only saving grace of the hotel I ended up in (and I won't name names) is that it was smack dab in the heart of the jewelry district. Whee! The downside is that means I was also nestled snuggly in the hood downtown. Needless to say I did not walk around at night, but one afternoon I had a ball at a huge jewelry store where there are a gazillion independent dealers and the point is to haggle prices until you get a great deal. Very fascinating and lots of fun.
It was a fun trip, albeig a bit whirlwind (2 days) and to my surprise, I was taken to a Dodgers baseball game! I'm not a huge baseball fan but I'm always up for an experience and thus I enjoyed the trip. We were treated to a VIP dinner complete with cocktails before the game and had a group of very nice seats on the terrace overlooking left field.

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