The creative tutorial home of image wrangler, Lesa Snider.

Point-and-Shoot Girl Goes Digital SLR

August 09, 2006 by
TGR in Layers Magazine

My name is Lesa King and I'm a point-and-shoot addict. While I'm writing this, it's been 42 minutes since my last shot (a beautifully plated Salmon omelet during Sunday brunch). I admit it, a cute little Canon PowerShot SD30 (5.1 megapixel) goes with me everywhere nestled snugly inside my purse, enabling me to capture culinary delights heretofore never before seen.

My PowerShot and I have been quite happy together—that is, until I was invited to teach at the PhotoshopSoup2Nuts.org conference. Seems all instructors were being invited to attend a private tour of...more
