The creative tutorial home of image wrangler, Lesa Snider.


Adding a quick color tint

Adding a color tint to a photo is a fabulous way to change its mood, or evoke a vintage or romantic feel. It's also a great way to salvage a photo whose color and lighting is rather subpar. In this video, you'll learn how to easily give your photos a unique feel by applying a color tint using a non-destructive adjustment layer in Photoshop. The same technique works in Photoshop Elements, too. Click here to visit the Quick Color Tint video on Planet Photoshop. I hope you enjoy it!

PhotoLesa on the Macworld Podcast

Jay Nelson of Design Tools Monthly and I were special guests on the Macworld podcast yesterday. We had a wonderful discussion about Photoshop and InDesign CS6 with our Macworld editor, Jackie Dove. Just click the following link to transport yourself to the Macworld web site: Macworld Podcast: Reviewing CS6. And if you haven't yet registered for next week's free online workshops on Photoshop CS6 and Camera Raw 7, click this link to do so now.


Final push to update Photoshop book happening now!

Howdy everyone! I'm back from teaching at Photoshop World in DC and have entered the final push to incorporate edit requests into my big Photoshop book update for the next version (currently referred to as Photoshop CS6 Beta). This new version of my bestselling book, Photoshop CS5: The Missing Manual, is going to be 21 chapters, and could be pushing 1000 pages in the print version. There will also be four additional appendices available online, along with a slew of exercise files so you can follow along with some of the techniques.
